Get a 30+ page blueprint on your body available 15 minutes post scan! Shows areas to support, foods to avoid, imbalances, mold, infections, parasite, bacteria, food sensitivities, gut health and more!



Empower adults and children to reclaim optimal health using bioresonance cell well-being technology and holistic realignment.



Adrenal Health

Brain Function

Cardiovascular & Circulatory System

Cellular Hydration

Detoxification System


Energy Production

Gut Health (Digestion & Microbial Balance)


Immune System

Metabolism (fatty acid & sugar)


Oxidative Stress/Inflammation

Protein Synthesis

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Toxic Heavy Metals



Chemicals and Hydrocarbons

EMF Interference

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Virus or Post Virus


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Microwave Oven

TV Screen


Radio Frequency

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Amino Acids

Fatty Acids


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1) Foods to avoid for 90 days

2) Unique foods that your body needs to thrive and to repair nutritional imbalances

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Most of us are living well below our optimum gene expression meaning that we are not achieving our true potential.

The science of epigenetics has discovered that up to 98% of our genetic expression is influenced by our environment; through factors almost completely under our control.

This information liberates us from the old genetic dogma that we are prisoners of our inherited genetics and have to live our lives accordingly, when in fact the state of wellness and performance can be controlled by oneself.

The truth is that we have much more control than we were ever led to believe and by taking back control we can change our lives for the better.

These reports are created using information from your own quantum energy field that is of high relevance to you.

The reports focus on your food and nutrition choices and provide clear information to help you implement a food regime that will optimize gene expression.


what if there's a better way?


Epigenetics is the foundation of our entire body, as it describes the function of the body down to the cellular level— regeneration, detoxification, balance, immunity, digestion, hormones, & more. Our body is made up of cells, so the health of your genes directly impacts the body.

Most chronic dis-ease + dysfunctions are not genetic— as we're told by the same big industries who sell the "solution”— they are environmental. this means that our daily habits + choices that form our inner & outer environment directly impact the health of our future.


How does the scan work?

Cell Wellbeing’s S-Drive technology uses hair follicle resonance and remote calculations to reveal challenges the body has been experiencing over time. By digitizing data from just four follicles, it taps into the hair’s ability to store epigenetic information, reflecting underlying metabolic processes even before symptoms appear. 4 hair follicles are pulled from the back of your head and results are accumulated in 15 minutes. The report gets emailed directly to you.

What is the Cell Wellbeing S-Drive Scanner?

The S-Drive system was developed in Germany, one of the leading countries in resonance technologies and cutting-edge energy science. The S-Drive is a quantum system which interacts with vibrational energy from the hair follicle creating a unique snapshot of the person’s quantum epigenetic field in that instant. It works by converting natural wave frequencies from hair samples to a digital file as it synthesizes over 800 individual data points. The data is used to create the charts and tables of the Optimize report. This scanner is a ‘general wellness’ product and ideal tool for dietary and lifestyle choices.

Why the hair follicle?

Hair is ideal for testing because it is formed from clusters of specialized cells in the hair follicle. During its growth phase, hair is exposed to the internal environment, including blood, lymph, and extracellular fluids. As hair continues to grow and reaches the skin's surface, its outer layers harden, locking in metabolic products accumulated during formation. This process provides a lasting record of activity, offering an economical and sensitive indicator of the long-term effects of diet, stress, and pathogen/toxin exposure, which are difficult to obtain through other clinical tests. In contrast, a blood test only reflects what is happening in the body over the last few hours. A hair scan provides a unique reading of cellular activity over a three-month period, considering that toxins are stored in body tissues rather than in the blood.

Will this test heal ______ ?

This test does not make any claims to diagnose, treat, or heal any specific health issue. No information is to be taken as medical advice. This test is for prevention and self improvement purposes only.

Why 90 days?

You might be wondering why I recommend 90 days between each report and why it’s important to renew the report every 90 days. This is because our bodies are constantly changing and adapting to epigenetic influences. The changes occur slowly because your systems are adapting to the new paradigm. Removing some sensitive foods and adding other nutritional foods empower change. Collectively these empowering variations require 3 months for the body to adapt and reach its optimal performance. The body is constantly adapting to nutritional variations and environmental changes. Therefore it is important to evaluate these adaptations every 90 days, in order to maintain a state of wellbeing. Try the 90 day plan and feel the difference for yourself!

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Could this hair scan transform my health?

The hair scan offers a three-month snapshot of how your body's gene expression is influenced by factors like diet, stress, and toxin exposure. These insights allow for the creation of a personalized wellness plan that addresses specific deficiencies and exposures, ultimately optimizing your health. With this understanding, we are no longer prisoners of our DNA. The foods you eat, the nutrients you absorb, and environmental toxins all impact your health. Poor diets and chemicals can disrupt your gut and intestinal tract, while invisible electromagnetic waves in modern life can further affect your wellness. Our detailed report provides over 30 pages of insights on more than 800 nutritional and environmental markers, covering crucial areas like environmental toxins, electromagnetic impacts, diet, lifestyle, and food stressors. It also includes a 90-day nutritional food plan and personalized advice to help you optimize your well-being. This comprehensive analysis, based on just four hair strands and their roots, gives you vital information on vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, antioxidants, and potential environmental effects. With this report, you can achieve optimal performance and well-being, gain insights into fertility, and enhance muscle recovery and endurance, especially if you're a sports professional. This technology benefits all age groups, including young children. By applying the principles of epigenetics, you can make informed choices to support optimal gene expression, leading to a healthier, more balanced life for yourself and future generations. While traditional tests often require a healthcare professional and can be costly (typically $300 and up), we offer a comprehensive 30+ page epigenetic hair analysis report for just $150. This service provides an accessible and affordable way to deeply understand your health and make informed decisions for improvement.

Do you offer 1:1 work post scan?

I offer an accountability program for $250 a month where you can email/text/call me anytime. I reach out to you weekly to send you new recipes, check in on your progress, and answer any questions you may have. My goal is to provide you with dedicated guidance, actionable steps, and a heck of a lot of encouragement throughout your healing journey. 

Is this scan safe for babies/children?

This test is very safe. The hair scan provides a snapshot of environmental influences over a three-month period, showing how your child's gene expression is affected by factors like diet, stress, and toxin/pathogen exposure. These insights can be used to create a personalized wellness plan that addresses specific deficiencies and exposures, ultimately optimizing their health.

Do you offer refunds?

Considering the type of service offered, this test is non-refundable. Please only purchase this testing service if it’s a resounding “yes” for you. If you need to cancel, your hair analysis can be rescheduled within one year from the purchase date.

Can a hair test be done on someone with little or no hair?

Yes. If the person does not have head hair, a sample can be taken from other locations on the body, such as the eyebrow, leg, or facial hair.



I had a severe abdominal hernia that resulted in surgery. Just as I started to feel like I was nearing a full recovery, I underwent foot surgery to repair a crushed foot resulting in metal plates being placed in my foot. (see image below) 6 months of inactivity turned me into a fat marsh mellow with zero motivation. I had constant heartburn and hives all over. I felt like my chest was constricted and had difficulty taking a deep breath. I had a severe cough that seemed to hang on for months. My doctor suggested an allergist to determine what was causing the hives and rash. I could not figure out why I couldn’t find the strength to be active or go to the gym or take walks or clean my house. I think I was falling into a depression. I realized that I had to figure out a way to start feeling better. Since modern medicine was not working, I decided it was time to try something different. I had heard about having your hair analyzed to see what was happening in your body and it made sense. Clearly your hair holds secrets about what is in your body. I went to see Makenna and had a hair analysis done. I was a little bit skeptical but as soon as she showed me the report with my results I became a believer. The first words out of her mouth were “You are so full of radiation you should glow in the dark”. I thought about it for a minute and realized that I had been having x-rays of my foot every 2 weeks for several months to monitor the healing after surgery.

The suggestion that Makenna made as a way to detox the radiation was an easy fix. After a couple of weeks, I noticed that the hives and rash had cleared up. No more buying cortisone cream or allergy pills. She also pointed out excessive amount of mold/spores on my report. (see below) Out of curiosity, I had a restoration company come to the house to look for mold. They found a pinhole crack in the grout of my shower which had been allowing water to leak into the wall. There were no visible signs of moisture on the wall and no mold evident whatsoever, but, when the drywall was opened up, there was mold. Since having the mold eradicated, I have noticed that my cough is gone, and I am having much less tightness in my chest. The third area of concern on the hair analysis was fatty acids. The analysis report made several very simple suggestions for food to add to my diet and foods to avoid. Apparently, everybody reacts to certain foods differently and unless you know which ones are bad for you, you continue to eat them thinking you are eating “healthy”.

Since incorporating some of the suggested changes into my diet, I have noticed that the heartburn has improved drastically. In addition to the very extensive analysis and recommended food changes, Makenna made a couple of suggestions for supplements that would assist with increasing my energy and digestion. It has been 60 days since my hair analysis, and I am happy to report that I am seeing results in my overall health. No more rash or hives, less heartburn, more energy, I am less hungry during the day, and I am paying more attention to what I eat. I have lost a few pounds and have a more positive attitude about continuing to make changes in my diet for the better. I look forward to having a follow-up analysis done next month to see if the results confirm the changes I feel. I highly recommend that anyone who is curious about what “unknowns” your body might be dealing with to spend an hour with Makenna to have your hair scan and find out what simple, easy changes you can make in your routine to improve your life. I know I am glad that I did.

Makenna was wonderful with my 12 year old son and I! We came in for a hair analysis for my son and left with so much information on how we can help improve his overall health and mainly his gut health! She spent time going through our report and answering any questions I had. I really enjoyed this appointment and look forward to our follow up!


My wellness journey began when I awakened to the holistic nature of the body— the realization that our daily choices, actively shape the story our bodies tell. When I was out of alignment, my body’s story was one of exhaustion, chronic illness, and autoimmune struggles.

With the guidance of an incredible holistic practitioner who believed in my body’s innate ability to heal, I reversed my autoimmune disease. This journey ignited my passion for understanding the body’s design on a deeper level.

Previously, I thought of health as merely being thin, counting calories, avoiding toxins, and staying active. However, I discovered that true health runs much deeper, down to the cellular level.

As I began to nourish my body from the inside out, I experienced profound transformation. This is the journey I hope each of you will embark on— one that leads to true wellness and vitality, starting from within.

We’re living in a time where many people are struggling with health issues because they’re not addressing the root of the problem— genetic health. Your genes are affected by your environment, diet, and lifestyle. Think of it like this: Imagine a farmer trying to fix a sick tree by only focusing on the branches that aren’t doing well. They might trim and treat these branches, but if they don’t water the roots, the tree won’t truly thrive.

Similarly, our medical system often tries to fix symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, thyroid problems, hormone imbalances, autoimmune conditions and more without looking at the deeper issue: the health of our genes. To truly improve your health, you need to focus on nourishing your entire genetic makeup.

Taking care of your genetic health means slowing down, reconnecting with your body, and nurturing yourself on a deeper level. As you work on healing from within, you’ll start to uncover your true self and open up to becoming the best version of yourself.

What people are saying about Restored:

"I always thought having a coach was just a waist of money but after a friend recommended it for my business I gave it a shot and WOW even just the discovery call gave me actionable advice that helped me see immediate results!"

• Jane Smith | Brooklyn

Signs of

happy genes

  • Consistent energy levels throughout the day without frequent fatigue.

  • Good mental health, stable mood, positive outlook, and effective stress management.

  • Strong immune system and recovers quickly from illnesses.

  • Healthy skin, free from frequent breakouts or rashes.

  • Balanced weight without extreme dieting or excessive exercise.

  • Regular digestive patterns without frequent issues like bloating or constipation.

  • Restful sleep suggest balanced circadian rhythms and healthy melatonin production.

  • Sharp cognitive function, demonstrated by good memory, focus, and cognitive clarity.

  • Healthy aging and emotional stability.

dirty genes

  • low energy levels and frequent fatigue.

  • Poor mental health, mood swings, frequent irritability, emotional instability, anxiety, depression, and difficulty managing stress.

  • Weak immune system, frequently sick and takes a long time to recover.

  • Frequent breakouts, rashes, or other skin issues, shows ineffective detoxification processes.

  • Difficulty maintaining a balanced weight, despite diet and exercise efforts, points to a sluggish metabolism and hormonal imbalances.

  • Digestive issues such as bloating, constipation, diarrhea, or discomfort.

  • Irregular or disrupted sleep patterns.

  • Cognitive issues, including poor memory, lack of focus, and brain fog.

  • Premature signs of aging.


*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Nutritional benefits may vary from person to person.

Please Note:

We do not offer refunds on hair scans once purchased. If you need to cancel, your hair analysis can be rescheduled within one year from the purchase date.